

Hier ein Beispiel für eine Kalibrierungsdatei wie sie Sie nach der Mikrofonkalibrierung erhalten.


#This file contains sensor information to be used by JustOct.exe
#Lines starting with '#' are regarded as comment lines
#You may only use the TAB to separate label and input values (spaces don't work)!
#You may only use the decimal POINT for number inputs, e.g. 1.234 (comma doesn't work)! 
#Sensitivity e.g. for microphones in mV/Pa, for accelerometers in mV/(m/s²) etc.
Sensitivity at 1000 Hz in mV/dimension	12.34
#dB-offset to give correct dB-value, e.g. for microphones 94, for accelerometers 60
dB-offset	94
#The input behind title is used for display in the load form. Possible entries:
#Mikro Firma, Typ; laut Hersteller bzw. kalibriert von X am 11.11.2003
Title	Mic Technics ??
#in the following lines 3 inputs values are expected: frequency<TAB>level<TAB>phase
#frequency values must be increasing from line to line and reach from 10 to 22050 Hz
#no defined frequency steps are required as data are logarithmically interpolated
#all amplitudes are to be given in dB relative to the value at 1000 Hz -> the amplitude at 1000 must be 0 dB!
F [Hz]	Ampl [dB]	Phase [ø]
10.00	-4.27	0.00
10.59	-4.05	0.00
11.22	-3.91	0.00
11.89	-3.78	0.00
12.59	-3.45	0.00
13.34	-3.13	0.00
14.13	-2.84	0.00
14.96	-2.55	0.00
15.85	-2.28	0.00
16.79	-1.99	0.00
17.78	-1.69	0.00
18.84	-1.45	0.00
19.95	-1.23	0.00
21.13	-1.06	0.00
22.39	-0.89	0.00
23.71	-0.73	0.00
25.12	-0.61	0.00
26.61	-0.50	0.00
28.18	-0.27	0.00
29.85	-0.09	0.00
31.62	0.01	0.00
33.50	0.10	0.00
35.48	0.17	0.00
37.58	0.27	0.00
39.81	0.38	0.00
42.17	0.34	0.00
44.67	0.33	0.00
47.32	0.36	0.00
50.12	0.38	0.00
53.09	0.38	0.00
56.23	0.34	0.00
59.57	0.32	0.00
63.10	0.31	0.00
66.83	0.30	0.00
70.79	0.27	0.00
74.99	0.27	0.00
79.43	0.25	0.00
84.14	0.28	0.00
89.13	0.25	0.00
94.41	0.21	0.00
100.0	0.19	0.00
105.9	0.19	0.00
112.2	0.25	0.00
118.9	0.27	0.00
125.9	0.30	0.00
133.4	0.32	0.00
141.3	0.34	0.00
149.6	0.33	0.00
158.5	0.35	0.00
167.9	0.27	0.00
177.8	0.28	0.00
188.4	0.24	0.00
199.5	0.19	0.00
211.3	0.19	0.00
223.9	0.20	0.00
237.1	0.16	0.00
251.2	0.19	0.00
266.1	0.12	0.00
281.8	0.11	0.00
298.5	0.12	0.00
316.2	0.10	0.00
335.0	0.11	0.00
354.8	0.11	0.00
375.8	0.06	0.00
398.1	0.07	0.00
421.7	0.07	0.00
446.7	0.08	0.00
473.2	0.08	0.00
501.2	0.08	0.00
530.9	0.10	0.00
562.3	0.11	0.00
595.7	0.13	0.00
631.0	0.19	0.00
668.3	0.16	0.00
707.9	0.05	0.00
749.9	-0.07	0.00
794.3	-0.12	0.00
841.4	-0.11	0.00
891.3	-0.10	0.00
944.1	-0.07	0.00
1000	0.00	0.00
1059	0.07	0.00
1122	0.17	0.00
1189	0.23	0.00
1259	0.27	0.00
1334	0.34	0.00
1413	0.38	0.00
1496	0.28	0.00
1585	0.31	0.00
1679	0.38	0.00
1778	0.47	0.00
1884	0.46	0.00
1995	0.51	0.00
2113	0.58	0.00
2239	0.70	0.00
2371	0.71	0.00
2512	0.62	0.00
2661	0.47	0.00
2818	0.48	0.00
2985	0.43	0.00
3162	0.46	0.00
3350	0.58	0.00
3548	0.81	0.00
3758	1.02	0.00
3981	1.24	0.00
4217	1.34	0.00
4467	1.30	0.00
4732	1.25	0.00
5012	1.36	0.00
5309	1.39	0.00
5623	1.61	0.00
5957	1.81	0.00
6310	1.90	0.00
6683	2.30	0.00
7079	2.65	0.00
7499	3.08	0.00
7943	3.43	0.00
8414	3.69	0.00
8913	4.04	0.00
9441	4.70	0.00
10000	5.19	0.00
10593	5.63	0.00
11220	5.96	0.00
11885	6.52	0.00
12589	6.94	0.00
13335	7.48	0.00
14125	8.01	0.00
14962	8.50	0.00
15849	9.16	0.00
16788	9.57	0.00
17783	9.73	0.00
18836	10.04	0.00
19953	10.26	0.00
21135	10.25	0.00